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Why rebuilding salabim?

Great question! Initial development was driven by curiosity about the salabim internals. Also, it lacked (arguably) a modern API touch which made some of our use cases more tricky to implement.

kalasim implements all major features of salabim as documented under

What (TF) is the meaning of kalasim?

We went through multiple iterations to come up with this great name:

  1. desimuk - {d}iscrete {e}vent {simu}lation with {k}otlin seemed a very natural and great fit. Unfortunately, Google seemed more convinced - for reasons that were outside the scope of this project - that this name related mostly with indian porn.
  2. desim - seemed fine initially, until we discovered another simulation engine with the same name.
  3. kalasim honors its origin by being somewhat phonetically similar to salabim while stressing Kotlin with the k, and the simulation scope with the sim instead of the bim.

In case you also wonder why salabim was named salabim, see here.

Can we use it with from Java?

Kotlin-2-Java interop is a core design goal of Kotlin. Thus, kalasim should work without any issues from java. However, we have not tried yet, so in case you struggle please file a ticket.

Why can we use resource.request(1)?

Admittedly, the provided resource request syntax request(resource) feels a bit dated. It's designed in that way because we would need multiple receiver support for extensions functions to provide a more object-oriented API. However, extensions with multiple receivers are not (yet) supported by Kotlin.

How to fix Simulation environment context is missing error?

You would need to create a simulation context before instantiating the resources, components or states. E.g. with

    val devices = Resource(name = "devices", capacity = 3)

For more details regarding koin and dependency injection see