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A very common element of discrete simulation models, are queues of elements that are consumed by downstream components. A basic example would be the waiting line in a bank.

Clearly, the JVM and Kotlin provide a very rich collection API ecosystem. However, kalasim is providing its own implementations for List and Queue with ComponentList and ComponentQueue respectively, that are backed with standard implementation but add additional metrics and tracking to allow statistical analysis. If such functionality is not needed in a particular simulation model, standard collection implementation can be used as well without any restriction.


kalasim provides an instrumented queue implementation ComponentQueue on top of the JVM's PriorityQueue to model waiting lines etc. Conceptual our implementation is very similar to salabim's queue.

A typical use case would be a generator process (material, customers, etc.) that is consumed by other components. By definition, a generator is a Component that contains at least one yield in its process definition. In the following example a generator is creating new Customers which are entering a waiting line Queue. This queue is consumed by a clerk which take one customer at a time and goes on hold for processing. See here for the complete implementation.

sequenceDiagram EventLoop->>CustomerGenerator: Continue generator process CustomerGenerator->>Customer: Create new Customer CustomerGenerator-->>EventLoop: Reschedule for later Customer->>Queue: Enter waiting line Clerk->>Queue: Pull next customer Clerk-->>EventLoop: hold vor n time units for processing


By default, the ComponentQueue is sorted by priority and enter-time. To provide a custom ordering scheme, the user can supply her own comparator easily

val cq = ComponentQueue(comparator = compareBy<Patient> { it.severity })

// or using a chained comparator
val cq2 = ComponentQueue(comparator = compareBy <Patient>{ it.severity }.thenBy { it.type })


Queues can be consumed in a batched manner using the batch(). See "The Ferryman" for a worked out example and its API documentation.


As alternative to the ordered queue, kalasim also provides a similarly instrumented list implementation with ComponentList. It's only providing very basic FiFo queue characteristics with poll() supported by its backend.

The main intent for ComponentList are more sophisticated use-cases that can not be modelled with a single queue. Examples are

  • Machine scheduling with more than instance
  • Service models with different

In such cases, a simple Comparator (even a chained one) are often insufficient to model the complex scheduling requirements.


Both, the ComponentList and the ComponentQueue provide a similar set of built-in metrics


  • queueLengthMonitor tracks the queue length level across time
  • lengthOfStayMonitor tracks the length of stay in the queue over time


  • stats - Current state snapshot of queue statistics regarding length and length of stay
  • info - Json-structured summary of the list/queue


Collections support a capacity and an accompanying capacityTimeline to set a maximum capacity. If this capacity is exceeded a CapacityExceededException is being thrown.

A capacity can be reduced (similar to resources) by setting a new one

val queue = ComponentQueue(capacity=5)
queue.capacity = 10

When setting a capacity that is lower than the current collection size, a CapacityExceededException is being thrown.